The GOP's Handmaid's Tale

Justice Samuel Alito's draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade is a radical attack on our most basic rights of privacy and freedom.

Alito's draft supreme court opinion relies heavily on the same antiquated 17th century legal writings used to establish the marital rape exemption. By overturning 50 years of precedent, the Supreme Court is laying legal groundwork to establish an American theocracy as described in The Handmaid's Tale where women are property without any basic rights or freedoms.

The GOP's Handmaid's Tale

Getty; The Atlantic

Alito’s Plan to Repeal the 20th Century, The Atlantic | 5/3/2022

By Adam Serwer

If the conservative justice’s draft opinion is adopted by the Court, key advances of the past hundred years could be rolled back.

Video: 17th Century Misogynist’ Cited Multiple Times In Justice Alito’s Draft Opinion, MSNBC | 5/5/2022

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade cites a virulent 17th century misogynist multiple times.


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