Trump Wanted To Shoot Americans

Trump was furious that George Floyd and BLM demonstrations made him look weak and threatened to use the military to shoot peaceful protesters.

Former Defense Secretary Mark Espers revealed that a "red-faced" Trump wanted to shoot Americans protesting the murder of George Floyd. Trump also threatened to invoke the Insurrection Act to deploy active-duty military against protesters. In other news, Jury selection begins in Georgia to investigate Trump's attempts to overturn the election and a federal Judge allows January 6 committee to subpoena Trump and RNC email data.

President Trump in June 2020 in Washington, D.C.

Trump Wanted Black Lives Matter Protesters to Be Shot, Says Former Defense Secretary, Rolling Stone | 5/2/2022

By Ryan Bort

“Can’t you just shoot them?” the former president asked. “Just shoot them in the legs or something?”

Video: Special Grand Jury Selection Begins For Probe Into Trump Election Interference In Georgia, NBC News | 5/2/2022

A special grand jury will be selected for the investigation into whether former President Donald Trump and other officials illegally tried to influence the 2020 election in Georgia.


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