Rightwing Extremism in California
Voter fatigue could allow a small minority of rightwing extremists to elect California’s next governor.
California is a blue state that voted over 63% for Joe Biden and yet the next governor could be a conservative radio talk show host supported by rightwing extremists, anti-vaxxers, and Trump supporters. The expected low voter turnout in next month’s California recall election is a warning that Democrats need to rally the base to stop rightwing extremism.
Why Deep Blue California Could Elect a Bright Red Governor, The New York Times | 5/18/2021
By Kathryn Olmsted
If liberal Californians cannot muster enough enthusiasm to send in their ballots against the recall, they might wake up on Sept. 15 to find themselves with a new governor-elect who has just a sliver of voter support.
Video: Rob Reiner On California Recall Election: It’s All About A GOP Power Grab, MSNBC | 8/20/2021
Independent journalist Jean Guerrero also explains the grave concerns many have about controversial Republican recall candidate Larry Elder, a supporter of Stephen Miller, possibly becoming the governor of California through this election.
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