Republicans Echo Trump’s Election Lies

Feeling threatened by the expected rise of mail-in votes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump falsely claimed that the system is “rigged” and that it “doesn’t work out well for Republicans”. Trump and GOP leaders double down on lies about voter fraud to cast doubt on the authenticity of mail-in voting and even take steps to defund the USPS.

Why Republicans Are So Afraid of Vote-by-Mail, The New York Times | 04/08/2020

By Jim Rutenberg, Maggie Haberman and Nick Corasaniti

President Trump and his Republican allies are launching an aggressive strategy to fight what many of the administration’s own health officials view as one of the most effective ways to make voting safer amid the deadly spread of Covid-19: the expanded use of mail-in ballots

… The new political effort is clearly aimed at helping the president’s re-election prospects, as well as bolstering Republicans running further down the ballot. While his advisers tend to see the issue in more nuanced terms, Mr. Trump obviously views the issue in a stark, partisan way: He has complained that under Democratic plans for national expansion of early voting and voting by mail, “you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

An election worker verified signatures on mail-in ballots in Utah in November 2018.Credit: George Frey/Getty Images

An election worker verified signatures on mail-in ballots in Utah in November 2018.Credit: George Frey/Getty Images


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