Trump’s American Carnage

Abuse of Power • Democracy Attacked • Trump’s GOP

Abuse of Power

November 2016 — November 2020

Republicans in Congress empowered a criminal president.


After losing the Popular Vote in 2016, Trump continues to repeat the lie that there were millions of illegal votes. GOP leaders remain silent. (2).jpg

Building on Trump’s lies, Republicans disenfranchise millions of voters with anti-democratic voter suppression laws to help their chances in 2018 midterm elections.


Even after Trump is caught on tape illegally pressuring a foreign government to investigate his political rival, Republicans refuse to hold him accountable.


Trump and GOP leaders double down on lies about voter fraud to cast doubt on the authenticity of mail-in voting and even take steps to defund the USPS.

 Democracy Attacked

November 2020 — January 2021

147 Republican members of Congress voted to overturn the election and install an American Dictator. (3).jpg

Trump goes on TV to claim election victory and repeats baseless voter fraud lies tweeting, “We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election.”


60% of House Republicans joined a failed Texas lawsuit to overturn the election by blocking four states from casting electoral votes for President-Elect Joe Biden.


At Trump's direction, the mob marches on the Capitol to “stop the steal.” Led by organized white supremacist and radicalized extremists, the world watches in horror.


A majority of Republican members of Congress voted to overturn the election. It was a cynical, anti-democratic vote to appease Trump.

Trump’s GOP

January 2021 — Now

After 100 days since Trump left office, the Republican Party continues to repeat Trump’s racist lies.

Republican allies continue to stand by Trump’s outrageous claims. The same lies are now being repeated on the floor of Congress to further restrict voting access.


Repeating the lies of voter fraud, the vast majority of Republicans side with Trump and either vote against impeachment in the House or for acquittal in the Senate.


Using the cover of the Big Lie, Republicans have introduced hundreds of bills in 47 states to limit voting rights for millions of primarily black and brown voters. (5).jpg

Donald Trump and Republicans have used deceptive fundraising strategies to target donors to raise millions in donations on the basis of election fraud and conspiracy theories.