McCarthy and GOP Endorse Political Violence
The GOP’s refusal to censure Rep. Paul Gosar for posting an animated video showing him murdering Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a shocking endorsement of political violence targeting women of color.
“Violence against women in politics is a global phenomenon meant to silence women and discourage them from seeking positions of authority and participating in public life, with women of color disproportionately impacted. Minority Leader McCarthy’s silence is tacit approval and just as dangerous.” – Statement Prepared by House Democrats
By Gean Guerrero
Gosar is no victim. His video - and his party’s refusal to rebuke it - reflects a new GOP that is Trumpier than Trump. It embodies the ugliness at the heart of the radicalized Republican Party, which cannot bring itself to condemn white male violence, but rather condones and even cultivates it.
Video: Paul Gosar’s Sister On His Censure: ‘It Is About Time’, MSNBC | 11/17/2021
But Gosar is no victim. His video — and his party’s refusal to rebuke it — reflects a new GOP that is Trumpier than Trump. It embodies the ugliness at the heart of the radicalized Republican Party, which cannot bring itself to condemn white male violence, but rather condones and even cultivates it.
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