Marjorie Taylor Greene Is the GOP
It is shameful that Republican leaders waited five days to condemn Marjorie Taylor Greene’s outrageous anti-Semitic comparison of masking to the Holocaust. Just follow the money to understand why Republican party leaders lack the courage to take any real action against Greene who is the de facto mouth of Trump since he was silenced on social media. Trump and the GOP have raised hundreds of millions on the Big Lie of election fraud and Republican leaders are fearful of taking any strong action that will alienate Trump and the MAGA Mob.
Greene’s Holocaust Comparisons Cause New Headaches for G.O.P., The New York Times | 05/25/2021
By Catie Edmondson
The slow response by Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the minority leader, to Ms. Greene’s string of anti-Semitic statements reflected the reluctance of top Republicans to take on the first-term congresswoman, who had previously endorsed violent and racist conspiracy theories and whose combative style has made her a favorite of former President Donald J. Trump and his far-right supporters.